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Team results

How to set up up a relay/team race in your Black Box Timing software: Set up relay

The type of race determines how the team and participants will appear on the result list. The type can be changed by going to Event setup and Date & basic settings and then select Race type.

Relay results* show the team name and total time. Individual results of the team members are displayed when clicking on the team result. Lap team results will show both the team and the team members time on the results list. You can also combine a solo race with team results by using Dynamic teams or club/company. Whether you wish to use dynamic teams or club/company as the team is specified in Event setup and Settings and The result list and then View club/company on result list. You can also display both. To activate team results and specify the number of team mates go to Event setup and Settings and The result list and scroll down to Show team results**.