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software:eventsetup:createeventonline [2022/03/30 12:28] torbensoftware:eventsetup:createeventonline [2024/10/02 07:47] (current) – external edit
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 There are two ways to create an event using the BBT event management software: There are two ways to create an event using the BBT event management software:
    - Setup the event using the BBT web browser tool  as detailed below. The browser tool is accessed when logged into an account on www.bbtiming.com. This allows you to create or edit an event and the associated event web site in the same process.    - Setup the event using the BBT web browser tool  as detailed below. The browser tool is accessed when logged into an account on www.bbtiming.com. This allows you to create or edit an event and the associated event web site in the same process.
-   - Setup the event directly in the BBT timing software (backend) as detailed below. Simultaniously a simple web page for the event is created on www.bbtiming.com. This web page can be refined at any point to present a proper event web site to the public. Click here ([[software:eventsetup:createevent]]) to see how to set up and edit an event using the BBT timing software (backend).+   - Setup the event directly in the BBT timing software (backend) which simultaniously creates a simple web page for the event on www.bbtiming.com. This web page can be refined at any point to present a proper event web site to the public. Click here ([[software:eventsetup:createevent]]) to see how to set up and edit an event using the BBT timing software (backend).
 Here is how to create an event using the BBT browser tool: Here is how to create an event using the BBT browser tool:
   * Login to your account on www.bbtiming.com/profile/login/ to set up an event   * Login to your account on www.bbtiming.com/profile/login/ to set up an event
-  * Go to 'Admin events' in the menu to the left and press 'Create new event' and enter the basic information and 'Save' the event. Do not worry about putting in more advanced information at this point in time+  * Go to 'Admin events' in the menu to the left and press 'Create new event'enter the basic information and 'Save' the event. Do not worry about putting in more advanced information at this point in time
 {{ :software:eventsetup:30.jpg |}} {{ :software:eventsetup:30.jpg |}}
-The event has now been created and must be enriched with texts / graphics and details for each of the races within the event.+----
 +The event has now been created and must be enriched with texts / graphics and details for each of the races within the event. To input data and make changes please click the large blue bottons in the top of the web page. It is always possible to see what the associated web site looks like (and check the input information) by pressing the 'Show entry page' in the 'EVENT PAGE' menu in the top right corner.
 +{{ :software:eventsetup:31.jpg |}}
-  * Start the BBT timing software pressing the BBT icon on your desktop +----
-  * Now press "Start timing" +
-{{ :software:eventsetup:skaermbillede_2022-03-11_095728.jpg |}} +
-  * Press "+ Create/Import event" +
-{{:software:eventsetup:createevent1.png |}} +
-{{:software:eventsetup:createevent2.png |}} +
-  * You now have to set up your event choosing between: +
-  Creating the event from scratch. This is often the case case when you receive the list of participants from the event director +
-  Importing the event from bbtiming.com. This is the case if you are using our BBT Registration software to set up and handle participation signups online. Click here ([[software:importexport:importfromonline|]]) to see how to import an event created online into the BBT timing software.+
-//Note that importing an event is the easiest way to setup the event in the BBT timing software.//+{{ :software:eventsetup:32.jpg |}}
 +{{ :software:eventsetup:33.jpg |}}
 +{{ :software:eventsetup:34.jpg |}}
 +It is now possible to setup up the event in details by going through the sub menues in the 'Event setup' menu to the left.
 +{{ :software:eventsetup:35.jpg |}}