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software:basics:overallstatus [2019/01/18 12:27] – [Use of colors] henriksoftware:basics:overallstatus [2024/10/02 07:47] (current) – external edit
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 ====== Keeping the overview ====== ====== Keeping the overview ======
-BBT has been designed to quickly give you an overview of the current status on all things.+BBT has been designed to quickly give you an overview of the current status on all operations.
 {{:software:basics:bbt-overview-errors.png}} {{:software:basics:bbt-overview-errors.png}}
-In case of a critical event, such as disconnection from the server, a timing unit or similar, the entire client title bar will turn from blue to red, as in the above screenshot.+In case of a critical situation, such as disconnection from the server, disconnection of a timing unit or similar, the entire client title bar will turn from blue to red, as in the above screenshot.
-The status bar at the bottom of the program will also turn red in case of errors or critical errors and give you a clue to what is wrong.+The status bar at the bottom of the program will also turn red in case of errors and will help you identify what is wrong.
 ==== 'Timing' view ==== ==== 'Timing' view ====
-The most detailed status overview is present if you select the 'Timing' view in the left-hand menu.+Select the 'Timing' view in the left-hand menu to get the most detailed status overview.
-On the left, the 'Overall status' window gives at-a-glance information about each major component of the system with a status icon indicating if everything is as it should. Details about each component can be expanded if needed.+On the left, the 'Overall status' window holds at-a-glance information about each major component of the system with a status icon indicating if everything is okay. Details about each component can be expanded if needed.
-Clicking a component in the list will give you a list of options specific to that item. For example clicking the result uploader, upload can be disabled or enabled.+Picking a component on the list will give you a list of options specific to that item. For example, upload can be disabled or enabled by clicking the result uploader.
 ==== Issues ==== ==== Issues ====
-Problems might also surface as issues. This could be everything from critical errors to warnings like an unknown tag has been read.+'Issues' is be everything from critical errors to a warning that an unknown tag has been read.
 The issues will appear both in the 'Overall status' window as a summary, and with all details in the 'Issues' window in the bottom right corner. The issues will appear both in the 'Overall status' window as a summary, and with all details in the 'Issues' window in the bottom right corner.
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 ==== Use of colors ==== ==== Use of colors ====
-We try to be consistent with coloring thoughout BBT: +Green: Everything is okay.\\ 
- +Yellow: Something needs your attention, but probably not urgently.\\
-Green: Everything is OK\\ +
-Yellow: Warning. Something might need your attention, but probably not urgently.\\+
 Red: Error or something you need to pay attention to right away. Red: Error or something you need to pay attention to right away.