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online:setup:waves:create [2023/12/08 10:08] sebastianonline:setup:waves:create [2024/10/02 07:47] (current) – external edit
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 ====== Create====== ====== Create======
 +Create waves by going to **Event setup** and **View waves / start groups** and click on **add**.
 +After you've created the wave, you **activate waves** by going to **Event setup** and **Settings** and choose **Start group**.
 +If you instead or also need participants to enter **expected time**, this is also here you select that.
 +You can also determine if a start group is open for all distances or only a specific distance.
 +If you wish to **disable waves** but only on a specific distance, go to **Event setup** and **Distances and prices**. Click the pen on the distance and go to **Exceptions during registration**. Here you can **disable the wave** by clicking on **Expected time / Wave**. 
 +You can also set the start group to **invite only**. See how to create **[[online:additional:invitation|]]**
 If you wish to move multiple participants to a wave simultaniously, go to **[[online:participants:mass]]** If you wish to move multiple participants to a wave simultaniously, go to **[[online:participants:mass]]**