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online:setup:event:distances [2023/12/07 10:00] sebastianonline:setup:event:distances [2024/10/02 07:47] (current) – external edit
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 ====== Distances / races ====== ====== Distances / races ======
 +In order for people to sign up, you need to create a distance / race.
 +Go to **Event setup** and **Distances and prices** and click on **Add race/distance**
 +**Fill out details**
 +Settings will be set to default and you don't necessarily have to change anything else. Hit **save**.
 +You can make changes to the settings for each distance if you wish. If you have a **multisport event** you do have to option of changing each distance to a specific **race type**. 
 +You can also change result ordering, provisional results, registration type, max participants, close sign up, set restrictions for the [[online:participants:editcode|edit code]], laps and if the distance has a registration date that's different from the generel event settings.
 +You can also change visibility and add exceptions.