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software:timingunits:basics [2022/03/18 10:52] torbensoftware:timingunits:basics [2024/10/02 07:47] (current) – external edit
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-====== Timing units ======+====== Timing devices ======
-Setting up an event in BBT timing software includes setting up and assigning timing units to timing points. Accurate setup of timing units is essential in getting accurate results.+Setting up an event in BBT timing software includes setting up and assigning timing devices to timing points. Accurate setup of timing devices is essential in getting accurate results.
-===== Adding and maintaining a timing unit =====+===== Adding and maintaining a timing device =====
-To add a timing unit to an event start in the 'Timing' mode in the menu to the far left after which you go to the 'Timing units (Setup)' to the far right. A new timing unit can now be added by choosing:+To add a timing device to an event start in the 'Timing' mode in the menu to the far left after which you go to the 'Timing devices (Setup)' to the far right. A new timing device can now be added by choosing:
   - 'Setup'   - 'Setup'
-  - 'Add unit' +  - 'Add device'
-  - 'Type' +
-  - Choose what timing unit you will be using from the drop down menu +
-  - Type in the IP-address of the timing unit +
-  - 'Add'+
-{{ :software:timingunits:20.jpg |}}+Any previously used timing devices or those automatically detected (such as Black Boxes) will show up in the window automatically.
-It is now possible to assign the timing unit to a location: +{{ :software:timingunits:timing-devices.png |}} 
-{{ :software:timingunits:21.jpg |}} + 
-  - Click on the hand +If your device is not listed, you can choose the type on the left, and click the "Add more" button to add device. Depending on the device type, it will ask you for IP address, USB port, unique ID or similar. 
-  - Choose from the drop down menu the location where you will using the timing unit. //Note: If you have not yet defined the timing locations just choose 'None (unassigned)'. You can always assign a timing unit to a location later in the setup process.// + 
-  Press 'Done' when having added the timing units you will be using for the timing of the event+{{ :software:timingunits:timing-devices-add.png |}} 
 +It is now possible to assign the timing unit to a location. Click "Assign device to event", and choose the location where you will using the timing unit. //Note: If you have not yet defined the timing locations just choose 'None (unassigned)'. You can always assign a timing unit to a location later in the setup process.// 
 +Press 'Close' when having added the timing units you will be using for the timing of the event
 //Note: The BBT timing software works with all common open timing units and the list of supported units is constantly being updated. Please contact us if you can not find your timing unit on the list. Most likely it can be added.// //Note: The BBT timing software works with all common open timing units and the list of supported units is constantly being updated. Please contact us if you can not find your timing unit on the list. Most likely it can be added.//
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 ===== Connecting a timing unit ===== ===== Connecting a timing unit =====
-The last step in the process is to connect the timing units which is done by pressing 'Timing unitsor 'Start all' in the 'Overall status' window to the left to complete the setup+You may choose to connect/disconnect individual devices, by clicking the 'Play'Stopicons in the Timing devices window on the right. 
 +Connection status will be shown next to the device in the list, and the green/red color will indicate connection status as well.
-{{ :software:timingunits:24.jpg |}}+If a device is not able to connect (or connection is lost), and issue will also be raised.
-Connection has been established if the color turns green 
-{{:software:timingunits:status2.png |}}+===== Replaying / rewinding ===== 
 +It is always possible to replay data from a timing device if connection to the unit has been lost for a period of time: 
 +  - Press 'Replay' at the bottom of the 'Timing units' window when in the 'Timing' mode. 
 +  - Choose the timing unit and the time slot you want to reply. 
 +  - The replay of raw data is started when pressing 'Next'.
-If one or more boxes are not connected the color will turn red. To the very right in the 'Timing units (Setup)' window you will be able to see which boxes are not connected.+{{ :software:timingunits:25.jpg |}}
-===== Replaying / rewinding ===== +===== Advanced: Splitting a device into two locations ===== 
-It is always possible to replay data from a timing unit if the connection has been lost+It is possible to use the same timing unit for multiple timing points simultaneously. A common split setup is using an 8-port timing unit where the antennas 1-4 are used for the start point and 5-8 for the finish point. Splitting a timing unit in the BBT timing software is done in the 'Assign devices' window by selecting specific antennas (or active loops)
-  - Nede i højre hjørne klik på "Replay" + 
-  Vælg hvilken timing unit, du ønsker at replaye og i hvilket tidsrum +{{ :software:timingunits:timing-devices-split.png |}} 
-  Klik "Next" og afvent at systemet replayer dine raw times.+ 
 +Now add the timing unit to the timing point: 
 +Go to the 'Timing units (Setup)' window and press the finger icon to the right of the timing unit and assign the timing unit to the timing point (in this case assign the unit including antennas 1-4 to the start point). 
 +{{ :software:timingunits:27.jpg |}}
 +The whole process can now be repeated until all antennas have been assigned to a various timing point. Thus, to assign the antennas 5-8 to the finish point choose the same timing unit but now specify the use of antennas 5-8, add the unit to the event and assign the unit including antennas 5-8 to the finish point. Now the same timing unit will be assigned to two different timing points (start and finish) with 4 anteannas (1-4) for the start point and 4 antennas (5-8) for the finish point.
 +//Note: Splitting a timing device is possible but reducing the number of antennas increases the risk of not reading all chips/tags passing that point.//
-===== Advanced: Splitting a unit ===== 
-Hvis du har brug for, at bruge en timing unit til flere timing points på en gang, fx antenne 1-4 er start og 5-8 er mål, kan du gøre det sådan her: 
-  - Klik på "Add unit" for at tilføje en boks. 
-  - Nederst klik "Select specific antennas/active loops only" 
-  - Vælg den eller de porte / loops, du vil assigne til en location.