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software:intro:systemrequirements [2019/01/18 12:40] henriksoftware:intro:systemrequirements [2024/10/02 07:47] (current) – external edit
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 ====== System requirements ====== ====== System requirements ======
-ToDo+The BBT software runs on Microsoft Windows only. 
 +We recommend Windows 11, but previous versions such as Windows 8 and  Windows 10 will work as well. 
 +See [[software:intro:install|]] for information about the other (free) software dependencies. 
 +For effective and smooth timing of events we recommed your computer to have at least: 
 +  * A newer Intel Core i5 or i7 CPU 
 +  * 8 GB memory 
 +  * SSD harddisk 
 +These are not strict requirements but a guideline as you want to be sure to match the capacity of your hardware with the complexity on your events. For example a marathon with 20.000 runners will challenge your hardware much more that a 5k fun run with 200 participants. 
 +BBT is making very limited use of the disk in your computer. Thus, a fast disk (SSD) is preferred over a big disk. However, please note that video recording will require much disk space.