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software:importexport:importfromothersoftware [2022/03/28 12:01] torbensoftware:importexport:importfromothersoftware [2024/10/02 07:47] (current) – external edit
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 It is possible to import participants into the BBT timing software using a CSV or Excel format. It is possible to import participants into the BBT timing software using a CSV or Excel format.
 +Typical Excel-fil format
 +{{ :software:importexport:importexcel1.png |}}
 Import participants following these simple steps: Import participants following these simple steps:
Line 9: Line 12:
   - Choose 'Import participants from file' in the drop down menu to the right of the search field   - Choose 'Import participants from file' in the drop down menu to the right of the search field
   - Choose format (CSV or Excel)   - Choose format (CSV or Excel)
-  - Match the format of the data to the format +  - Match the format of the data in the file to the format of the BBT timing software 
-  - Vælg format (excel/csvog importer din fil +  - Import the data (the participations)
-  - Vælg hvilke kolonner i filen, der hører til dataen i BBT +
-  - Importer din fil +
- +
-1. Typical Excel-fil format +
-{{ :software:importexport:importexcel1.png |}}+
-2. og derefter 
 {{ :software:importexport:importexcel2.png |}} {{ :software:importexport:importexcel2.png |}}
 {{ :software:importexport:importexcel3.png |}} {{ :software:importexport:importexcel3.png |}}
 {{ :software:importexport:importexcel4.png |}} {{ :software:importexport:importexcel4.png |}}