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software:importexport:importfromonline [2022/03/16 09:43] torbensoftware:importexport:importfromonline [2024/10/02 07:47] (current) – external edit
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 {{indexmenu_n>1}} {{indexmenu_n>1}}
-====== Import from BB Reg ====== +====== Import event from BB Reg ====== 
-Importing an event into the BBT timing software:+An event created online on www.bbtiming.com using the BBT web browser tool can be imported into the BBT timing software:
 Import of event data happens automatically if you use the BB Registration software for event setup and the handling of the payment of participation fees. Import of event data happens automatically if you use the BB Registration software for event setup and the handling of the payment of participation fees.
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   - Choose "Import from external system" og input your user name and pass word   - Choose "Import from external system" og input your user name and pass word
   - Choose your event on the list of events   - Choose your event on the list of events
-  - Detail the fundamental setup. For example if Start and Finish is at the same physical location+  - Detail the fundamental setup. :!: Please be thorough in choosing what data (including waves) to import - and if you want BBT to attempt creating timing locations (which of cause can be edited later in the process if need be)
 {{ :software:eventsetup:import1.png |}} {{ :software:eventsetup:import1.png |}}
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 {{ :software:eventsetup:import2.png |}} {{ :software:eventsetup:import2.png |}}
-{{ :software:eventsetup:import3.png |}}+{{ :software:eventsetup:import3.jpg |}}
  Now you can choose which features to view. For a normal event we typically choose 'Advanced', 'Categories' and 'Result SMS'  Now you can choose which features to view. For a normal event we typically choose 'Advanced', 'Categories' and 'Result SMS'
 {{ :software:eventsetup:import4.png |}} {{ :software:eventsetup:import4.png |}}