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software:importexport:importfromonline [2022/03/16 09:26] torbensoftware:importexport:importfromonline [2024/10/02 07:47] (current) – external edit
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-====== Import from BB Reg ======+{{indexmenu_n>1}} 
 +====== Import event from BB Reg ====== 
 +An event created online on www.bbtiming.com using the BBT web browser tool can be imported into the BBT timing software:
 +Import of event data happens automatically if you use the BB Registration software for event setup and the handling of the payment of participation fees.
 +  - Press "+ Create/import event"
 +  - Choose "Import from external system" og input your user name and pass word
 +  - Choose your event on the list of events
 +  - Detail the fundamental setup. :!: Please be thorough in choosing what data (including waves) to import - and if you want BBT to attempt creating timing locations (which of cause can be edited later in the process if need be)
 +{{ :software:eventsetup:import1.png |}}
 +{{ :software:eventsetup:import2.png |}}
 +{{ :software:eventsetup:import3.jpg |}}
 + Now you can choose which features to view. For a normal event we typically choose 'Advanced', 'Categories' and 'Result SMS'
 +{{ :software:eventsetup:import4.png |}}