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software:feature:webinterface [2017/12/04 15:13] – created henriksoftware:feature:webinterface [2024/10/02 07:47] (current) – external edit
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 ====== Web interface ====== ====== Web interface ======
 +BBT has an easy to use web interface available to everyone on the network. Whenever the BBT timing server is running, the web interface can be accessed. The default port is 80 and the interface is accessed via **http://ip-address** (replacing the ip-address with your server IP) - or by typing "localhost" in your web browser
 +{{ :software:advanced:27.jpg |}}
 +You now have access to:
 +  * Commentator display
 +  * Participant entry / late registration
 +  * Result look-up/certificate printing
 +ToDo: Screenshot of web and menu with explanation \\
 +ToDo: Explanation of Devices section in BBT