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software:feature:video [2017/12/06 14:56] henriksoftware:feature:video [2024/10/02 07:47] (current) – external edit
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-====== Video ======+====== Video/camera ======
-BBT has built-in support for video recording of important pointsusually the finish line. It is a very effective tool for verifying results and serves as a visual backup in situations like when a participant is racing without his tag or transponder. Video is a valuable tool to resolve many unforeseen circumstances.+BBT has built-in support for video recording of important locationssuch as the finish line. It is a very effective tool for verifying results and serves as a visual backup in situations like when a participant is racing without his tag or transponder. Video is a valuable tool to resolve many unforeseen circumstances. 
 +//Note: The video feature is work in progress, and is limited in features and options.//
 //Note: You should enable the Video feature on your event to get access to the video functions.// //Note: You should enable the Video feature on your event to get access to the video functions.//
 ===== Supported cameras ===== ===== Supported cameras =====
-ToDo: RTSPMJPEG, resolution, ..?+Short answerAny IP Camera that is able to deliver a H.264 or MJPEG stream via RTSP or a MJPEG stream via HTTP. 
 +Two modes of transportation is supported: RTSP and HTTP (multipart/x-mixed-replace). This can be thought of as the way the images are delivered from the camera and into BBTAlmost every consumer IP camera supports at least one of these.
 ===== Adding a camera ===== ===== Adding a camera =====
-ToDoEnable +  - You must enable the Video/timeline features in Event Settings 
 +  - Go to Devices, and click Add device -> IP camera 
 +  - Enter the URL of the camera stream 
 +  - Add the camera 
 +Finding the correct URL can be very tricky, since many cameras have very poor documentation, and most are not the same. Often the camera supports multiple streams of different types (on different URLs), so you must select one that is compatible. Consult your camera provider (or Google) to find out what the URL for your specific camera looks like. In most cases, a default stream of H.264 via RTSP is available, and can be used. 
 +iSpy has an online camera database that you might use to find the correct URL for your camerahttps://www.ispyconnect.com/sources.aspx 
 +Example URLs can look like this (replace IP and username/password to match your camera): 
 +Your camera URL might vary, and may require configuration of  your camera. 
 +The username and password part can be omitted, if the camera does not require them.
 ===== Starting and stopping recording ===== ===== Starting and stopping recording =====
-ToDo: Actionsseeing statuseach frame is timestamped (if camera supports it)+By default BBT will always connect to the camera and offer a live feed of the camera. 
 +A buffer of 2-3 minutes will also be recorded in memoryso you will always be able to go back and watch what happened a small time agowithout actually recording anything. 
 +To start and stop recording, use the "Record video" button on the left bottom side of the software (shortcut: F8). This will save the recorded images to disk, so that they can be retrieved a long time after the race. 
 +Using the Video view you can see which timeslots of the video have been recorded. You can also click the buffer of the last 2-3 minutes buffered video and save that to the permanent recording, for example if you forgot to start the video when the first finishers come in. 
 +//Note: BBT is optimized for flexibility and easy-of-use, not space. So be sure to have plently of free disk space when recording for long periods. //
 ===== Viewing video ===== ===== Viewing video =====
-ToDo: All clients, live, forward and back +All video recording (and the live buffer) is kept on the Timing Master. While wathcing/recording, any of the clients connected to the master will be able to freely jump back and forth in all the recorded videoindependently of eachother, going forwards, backwards, freezing the frame etc.  
-ToDo: 2 min cache, can be saved+ 
 +This does not impact the recording, that will continue to take place. Even if the camera only allows a single stream open at a time, this is not a problem, as only the Timing Master is directly connected to the camera. 
 +This does, however, incur a slight delay on the live video feed. 
 +**Quick jumping** 
 +You often need to jump to a specific time in the videowhich you can do directly from the Video window and input a timestamp or scroll back and forth on the timeline. 
 +When looking at a specific participantyou can use the participant context menu to quickly jump to the time in the video when the participant crossed the finish line, for photo verification. 
 +===== Performance ===== 
 +Many video cameras provide high frame rates and a large image resloution.
-Slight delay on live video.+The BBT video feature is not meant for recording nice smooth videos, but rather as a means of having flexible integrated visual verification. Therefore BBT will save resources and disk space by only saving a few frames per second and reducing the image size.