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software:feature:extender [2023/03/28 12:30] jacobsoftware:feature:extender [2024/10/02 07:47] (current) – external edit
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 ===== Web interface with commentator module ===== ===== Web interface with commentator module =====
-In the extender you are able to click the web interface url. It starts with http:// followed by your ip-address. When open the url in your browser, you can use the web interface with the following options:+In the extender you are able to click the web interface url. It starts with http: followed by your ip-address. When open the url in your browser, you can use the web interface with the following options:
 {{ :software:advanced:extender_7_webinterface.png |}} {{ :software:advanced:extender_7_webinterface.png |}}