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software:feature:extender [2023/03/28 11:51] jacobsoftware:feature:extender [2024/10/02 07:47] (current) – external edit
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 ====== Extender ====== ====== Extender ======
-TODO +With the extender program you are able to extend your local network to make external computers and devices able to connect to your timing computer. This way you easily gets lots of advantages and possibilities: 
 +  - Remote access to the web commentator module in your browser 
 +  - Remote access to self check-in system 
 +  - Remote access to time trial start clock 
 +  - Remote access to Graphics setup for TV or large screens 
 +  - Add timing boxes from the extenders local network
-BBT has an easy to use web interface available to everyone on the network. Whenever the BBT timing server is running, the web interface can be accessed. The default port is 80 and the interface is accessed via **http://ip-address** (replacing the ip-address with your server IP) - or by typing "localhost" in your web browser 
-{{ :software:advanced:27.jpg |}} 
-You now have access to: +**How to open and connect the extender** 
-  * Commentator display +In the BlackBoxTiming folder (typically in the Program Files folder) you will find the fileBBTextender.exe. 
-  * Participant entry / late registration + 
-  * Result look-up/certificate printing+{{:software:advanced:extender_1_program.png |}} 
 +When the extender is running, it is waiting to be accepted and connect to a BBT Master timing computer. 
 +{{:software:advanced:extender_2_waiting_to_accept.png |}} 
 +Ask the person controlling the BBT Master timing computer to add your extender at the master computer: 
 +{{:software:advanced:extender_3_addextender_in_bbt.png |}} 
 +{{:software:advanced:extender_4_addextender.png |}} 
 +The connection should be established between the extender and the BBT Master. 
 +{{:software:advanced:extender_5_connected.png |}}  
 +===== Web interface with commentator module ===== 
 +In the extender you are able to click the web interface url. It starts with http: followed by your ip-address. When open the url in your browser, you can use the web interface with the following options: 
 +{{ :software:advanced:extender_7_webinterface.png |}} 
 +===== Add timing box from the extened network ===== 
 +From the BBT Master computer you are able to access all timing equipment from the local network of the extender. You add the timing equipment like normal, but go to the bottom of the page and find the extender section like below: 
 +{{:software:advanced:extender_6_add_box.png |}}
-ToDo: Screenshot of web and menu with explanation \\ 
-ToDo: Explanation of Devices section in BBT