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online:signupinfo:chip [2023/12/13 09:43] – [Chip number] sebastianonline:signupinfo:chip [2024/10/02 07:47] (current) – external edit
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 {{:online:signupinfo:skaermbillede_2023-12-13_103938.png?nolink&600|}} {{:online:signupinfo:skaermbillede_2023-12-13_103938.png?nolink&600|}}
-You can add a variety of different chips or just any chip. +You can add a variety of different chips or just ask for any chip. 
 You can also allow participants to buy a chip if they don't have one already. You can also allow participants to buy a chip if they don't have one already.
 {{:online:signupinfo:skaermbillede_2023-12-13_104305.png?nolink&600|}} {{:online:signupinfo:skaermbillede_2023-12-13_104305.png?nolink&600|}}