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online:setup:registration:restrictions [2023/12/07 10:07] – created sebastianonline:setup:registration:restrictions [2024/10/02 07:47] (current) – external edit
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 ====== Restrictions====== ====== Restrictions======
 +You can restrict number of participants in multiple ways.
 +**Restrictions for overall event**.
 +Go to **online registration** and then **max participants**.
 +**Restrictions for distances**.
 +Go to **event setup** and **distances and prices**. Edit distance and go to **settings** and enter max participants.
 +**Restrictions for price category**.
 +Go to **event setup** and **distances and prices**. Edit price category and go to **limitations** and enter max participants.
 +**Restrictions for wave**.
 +Go to **event setup** and **view waves / start groups**. Enter max number of each wave.