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online:setup:pricing:vouchers [2023/12/07 10:09] – created sebastianonline:setup:pricing:vouchers [2024/10/02 07:47] (current) – external edit
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 ====== Vouchers / program====== ====== Vouchers / program======
 +**Simple voucher**
 +Create a voucher by going to **Online registration** and **Vouchers/Sponsor code**. Click on **Create new**.
 +Select the type of voucher you wish to create:
 +  * Number of free registration
 +  * Gift card amount in selected currency
 +  * Discount percentage
 +  * Discount in selected currency
 +  * Fixed price
 +Limitations are optional. If you don't select limitations, the voucher will work at all times for all distances and categories. 
 +**Discount program**
 +Example of a discount program: Sign up more than 3 and get 20% off.
 +Create a program by going to **Online registration** and **Discount program**. Click on **Add**.
 +Fill out details. You can select different discount types such as **percentage, amount or fixed price**.
 +Hit on **Save**. Once the discount program is saved, you can **activate** and **deactive** the program here: 