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online:setup:event:settings [2023/12/11 13:22] sebastianonline:setup:event:settings [2024/10/02 07:47] (current) – external edit
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 ====== Basic settings and publish====== ====== Basic settings and publish======
-When creating an event, you have to fill out date and basic settings. If you need to make changes later on, you can do that by going to **Event setup** and **Date & basic settings**.+When creating an event, you have to fill out date and basic settings. If you need to make changes later on, you can do that by going to **Event setup** and **Date & basic settings**. You can also use the short cut on your dashboard
-This is also where you publish your event.+This is also where you publish your event when ready.
 {{:online:setup:event:publishevent.png?nolink&600|}} {{:online:setup:event:publishevent.png?nolink&600|}}