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online:setup:event:restrictions [2023/12/07 11:56] andreasonline:setup:event:restrictions [2024/10/02 07:47] (current) – external edit
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 Set up contact information and location for your event.\\ Set up contact information and location for your event.\\
 \\ \\
-Go to **Event page**.\\ +Go to **Event setup** and **Event page**. On the right side you have **Settings** and **Contact Information (public)**.
-\\ +
-To the right**Settings** and **Contact Information (public)**. \\+
 \\ \\
 {{:online:setup:event:settingandcontactpic.png?nolink&700|}}\\ {{:online:setup:event:settingandcontactpic.png?nolink&700|}}\\
 \\ \\
-Let's start setting up the location - we press **Event Location**.\\+Set up **location** by clicking on **Event Location**.\\
 \\ \\
-Press **Event Location**. \\ +Fill out the address and automatic get the posisiton on the map.\\ 
-\\ +
 +Go back to **Event page**. \\
 +Press **Contact information**\\
 +Fill out your **Contact information**, please do notice this information is public and is used for the participants. Billing address is internal use.\\ 