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online:setup:event:layout [2023/12/13 13:29] sebastianonline:setup:event:layout [2024/10/02 07:47] (current) – external edit
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 ====== Layout ====== ====== Layout ======
-**Costumize your event page**.+Costumize your event page.
 **First step** is to create a description and add some text. Go to **Event setup** and **Event page**. **First step** is to create a description and add some text. Go to **Event setup** and **Event page**.
-Here you can enter a description, add images or videos, add sponsors, set up social media connections and more.+Here you can enter a description, add images or videos, add **[[online:additional:sponsors|sponsors]]**, set up social media connections and more.
 {{:online:setup:event:eventtext.png?nolink&600|}} {{:online:setup:event:eventtext.png?nolink&600|}}
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 We recommend 1920x400 pixels. We recommend 1920x400 pixels.
 You can also add additional **[[online:additional:contentpages|content pages]]** or background image (behind the text and results lists). You can also add additional **[[online:additional:contentpages|content pages]]** or background image (behind the text and results lists).
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 **Example of simple event page:** **Example of simple event page:**
 **Example of event page with background image** **Example of event page with background image**
 {{:online:setup:event:skaermbillede_2023-12-13_125002.png?nolink&600|}} {{:online:setup:event:skaermbillede_2023-12-13_125002.png?nolink&600|}}