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online:lists:upload [2023/12/07 11:46] – created sebastianonline:lists:upload [2024/10/02 07:47] (current) – external edit
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 ====== Upload participants lists====== ====== Upload participants lists======
 +Import participant lists by going to **Participants** and **Import CSV**.
 +Files must be **.csv or .txt**. 
 +**Example in excel**. Make sure to clean the excel. This can be done by copying the data to txt and then paste it back in to a new excel sheet. Remember to save as .csv.
 +Upload your .csv and map the data with the data from your .csv and hit **Save format**. Next step is to map the distance/race. Press **Save mapping**.
 +Then you'll see a preview of the participants you are about to import. Make sure everything is correct before you press **Import athletes**. 
 +**NOTE:** If you don't enter a **Profile e-mail** at the top when importing participants, the tickets will automatically be added to the participants profiles assuming you've uploaded the participants e-mails in the .csv. If you do enter a profile e-mail when importing, all tickets will be compiled as one order on that profile. 