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online:communication:sms [2023/12/12 13:06] – [SMS] sebastianonline:communication:sms [2024/10/02 07:47] (current) – external edit
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 Send SMS by going to **Communication** and **Send SMS** and click on **Create new SMS**. Send SMS by going to **Communication** and **Send SMS** and click on **Create new SMS**.
-Enter **name of sender** and **content** of the SMS and hit **save.**+Enter **name of sender** and **content** of the SMS and hit **save.** You can also **merge data.**
 +When you've created the SMS you can **view example** and send yourself a test.
 +When you're ready to send it to the participants, click on **Send**. Select the races/distances you want to send the SMS to. You can also add **external numbers**. Press **Find recipient and accept SMS**. 
 +Then press **accept and send SMS**.